Stop Claim Luck! Read online

  Stop Claim Luck!

  Succeed in Your Life Having a Breakthrough: How to Focus on Yourself for Personal Development in Spirit

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  Table Of Contents


  Envision Your Life

  Focus on the Top Five Life Areas

  Keep Your Priorities Straight

  Put Your Health First

  Journal Daily

  Learn Something


  Be Grateful

  Have Some Fun



  C ongratulations on downloading Stop Claim Luck and thank you for doing so.

  It is very easy for us to get caught up in our work with all the demands and lists we have to do. If we want to stay ahead of our responsibilities and stay satisfied, we have to reflect and engage our personal development. Better yet, create ourselves so we can perform at our very best.

  If you can easily identify with the following, you need to take a step back and focus on your development.

  You Feel Overwhelmed

  If the balance between your life and work is a bit off and you feel overwhelmed, it is time to focus on your development. A study shows that an average worker will spend over 90,000 hours at their job in the course of their life. This is a long time to stay overwhelmed and unhappy.

  If you feel like work is taking over your life, you need to take some time off because this can create problems with your health. One study shows that men who are under tremendous stress at work cause poor mental health. Just a quarter of the men that were surveyed said they had taken time off work because of their mental health. Almost half of the women who were asked the same question said they had taken time off for their mental health. This means that the vast majority of women and men won’t take any time off to take care of their mental health.

  If you feel overwhelmed and your mental health is suffering, it is time take a break to refocus your development and gain some balance.

  You Feel Static

  There isn’t any time in a career that doesn’t require you to develop your skills and train more since this creates loyalty with the employees, success, and growth of the business. About one-third of all employees are upset with the progress of their career.

  If you feel static, bored, aren’t being pushed or not learning enough, it is time to think about the development of your career once more.

  An easy way to do this is to sit near your coworkers who are more productive. This will help you improve your output. You will likely learn more from sitting near the computer geniuses in the corner, too.

  One way to address this static is to approach your boss for an additional training. You need to make a list of goals you want to accomplish, what classes you will need to take, and how this is going to benefit your employer. Now, figure out how much this is going to cost your employer.

  When you have created a play, you can now go talk to your boss. Just talk about the plan and explain as best you can the entire situation. Put emphasis on the ways the training will benefit not only you but the whole company. You need to tell them why you choose specific classes.

  Hopefully, everything will go fine, but if your boss were to say no, figure out why and present them with a different solution. If your workplace doesn’t have enough people to cover your absence, you might finish any projects you may be working on to help free up space.

  If you can learn to present solutions instead of problems, you will show your boss that you are proactive and are able to learn additional skills that will benefit the company. They might consider your request if they see you have thought everything through.

  You Have Weak Confidence

  Confidence comes easily for some but not for others. This doesn’t mean you can’t be confident. If you lack confidence or specific abilities in your workplace, you need to realign again on your development.

  A way to give yourself a boost of confidence is by just adjusting your mindset. Keep thinking positive thoughts, and you will eventually trick the brain into believing in yourself.

  It is very easy to work on what you are good at. You can improve your confidence by working on your strengths. You can also correct your mistakes and practice your weaknesses to help improve your confidence. After you have finished a task, write down your thoughts on how well you did and how you might improve next time.

  The key to having a long, successful career by is creating our own selves. Remember to keep your goals in mind all the time and speak up when you want to be better as an employee or person.

  There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, thanks again for choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful information as possible, please enjoy!

  Envision Your Life

  Y ou might think that making a vision is a waste of time, but it really isn’t. Making a vision of the life you’ve always wanted is the best strategy to help you achieve your dream. You could even compare creating your life’s vision to a compass. It helps you guide your actions and choices to help you reach your goals.

  Do You Need a Vision?

  Success stories and experts actually support an idea that if you have a vision in your mind, you will succeed farther than you would without a vision. Craft your vision like a map that shows you the path to reach your professional and personal dreams. You will soon see that your happiness and satisfaction are within your grasp. If you don’t create a vision, you will let circumstances and people direct your course.

  How Can I Create a Vision?

  You can’t expect to get a well-defined, clear vision out of the blue. To see your life and figure out what course you want to follow takes reflection and time. You have to nurture your vision. You should have a plan and apply logic to achieve your vision. Your vision needs to bloom from your aspirations, hopes, and dreams. It will show your true id
eals and values. They will create enthusiasm and energy to help you explore all the possibilities available to you.

  What Is It That You Want From Life?

  This is a very deceptive question because it sounds so simple. It is usually the hardest to answer, but exploring your desires can be frightening. You might not think you have time to figure out what you want from life. You need to remind yourself that a fulfilling life won’t happen by chance. It happens through design.

  You need to ask yourself some questions that will make you think. It helps you discover all the possibilities of life. Think about all the aspects of your life, professional and personal, intangible and tangible. Think about all the areas of your life such as enjoyment and fun, personal growth and spiritual connection, quality of life and health, success and career, friends and family.

  Here are tips that will help guide you:

  Ask yourself why you want a specific thing.

  Focus on things you want instead of things you aren’t interested in.

  It is okay to dream.

  Get creative. Think about things you didn’t think were possible.

  Stay focused on what you wish for. Don’t worry about what others think.

  Answers these questions to help you explore:

  In your life, what matters the most to you? Don’t think about what should matter but what actually matters.

  In your life, what do you want more of?

  Don’t think about money; what do you want to get out of your career?

  Think about your innermost dreams and passions. What are they?

  What is it that would bring you more happiness and joy?

  Thinking about relationships; how do you see your relationships?

  If you want to develop certain qualities, which ones would you develop?

  What values do you hold close to you? Do you care about any issues?

  Do you have any talents? What are they? What makes you special?

  What do you want to accomplish in your life?

  If you could leave behind a legacy, what would it be?

  You might find it helpful to jot down your thoughts. If you are creative, make a vision board. You can make up your own questions if the ones above don’t help you. Ask your friends what they want. Make this a fun exercise to do. Just relax and have fun. Once you have your answers, put them away for a while and check back after a month or so to see if any answers have changed or you need to add some things.

  Your Best Life, What Would it Look Like?

  Write down in detail what your ideal life would be. Imagine and dream to get a complete picture. If it is impossible for you to see a picture, think about how you want your ideal life to feel. If you just can’t see your life in 20 or so years, begin with just five years. This will give you a starting point. What you visualize might surprise you. Get rid of prejudiced thoughts. This is the time you fantasize and dream.

  Here are some ideas to help you start:

  What do you want to have in your life at this point?

  Do you feel good about yourself?

  Who are the people around you? Do you like the people around you?

  What are you doing in your ideal day?

  Think about where you want to live specifically. Think about the living quarters, community, country, state, or city.

  What are you going to do?

  Are you alone, with a group of people, or just one more person?

  What are you wearing?

  How are you feeling? Are you sad or happy? Are you frustrated or content?

  What is your physical appearance? Do you like what you see?

  Does what you see make you happy? Does it make your heart smile? If not, dream bigger and dig deeper.

  You must focus on the results you want or a point in your life. Don’t worry about how to get there; we’ll learn that soon enough. You can revisit your vision each day. You just need to keep your vision in the forefront of your mind.

  Plan Your Life Backwards

  This might sound counter-intuitive, but if you can plan your life from the end to the beginning, it might be easier to make your vision a reality.

  What needs to happen to get the best out of life?

  What choice did you make that was the most important?

  What have you learned on your journey?

  What did you do to make your vision happen?

  Did you have to change your beliefs?

  Did you have to change any behaviors or habits?

  Did you have to ask for any help from anyone?

  At what point did you realize you had achieved your best?

  What milestones did you do to reach your vision?

  Now, you have to think about what steps you need to take. Think about the gap that is between the position you are at now and where you need to be in the future. It might look impossible, but you can achieve it if you take one step at a time.

  You need to revisit your vision every now and then. Your answers to life’s questions will change. Your vision might change along with the changes in your plans. This is actually a good thing. When you change for the better, your vision will also change. Right now, you just need to create a vision and move forward to making it a reality.

  One Last Visualization

  Pat Hutchinson and David Molden, in Brilliant NLP: What the Most Successful People Know, Say & Do, wrote about a Neuro-Linguistic Programming technique that can help you to visualize success. This isn’t so much about finding out how you want your life to turn out, but instead, you will experience the success you are going to have now.

  Make a spot on the floor to represent your current life.

  This can be any place on your floor. This just represents the now that you are in. Hutchinson and Molden said, “Find a quiet space where you can visualize the journey of achievement. Mark a space on the floor to represent ‘now.’”

  Walk up to a spot in the future and look back to the past.

  You will now walk into the future starting in your new space. You will choose a spot on your floor that is a representative of your future. Whenever you stand on this spot, you will look back to the past and feel all of your successes. Imagine all of the achievements that you have made through the years. Hutchinson and Molden explain:

  “From this space, walk to a point on the floor a particular distance away to represent the time you think it will take to achieve your outcomes… Spend some time feeling what it’s like to have achieved all of your outcomes.”

  Walk further into the future and look back from there.

  Now, you will create a second spot on the floor that represents further into the future. From here, you will do the same as before. You will imagine here that you have achieved everything that you wanted. Really feel all of your successes. Visualize everything that you did to get the outcome that you are now visualizing.

  Hutchinson and Molden explained:

  “Next, walk a little further into the future and turn around. Look back to ‘now’ again and visualize what you did to achieve your outcomes. Make sure your internal language is in the past tense.”

  Doing this will help your mind grasp the fact that you have already succeeded, and then visualize what you did to get there instead of what you going to have to do. This is a more creative and insightful way to figure out your path, and it is a lot less stressful. This is a fun experiment to do, and it can be extremely powerful.

  This is a great way to do a dry run of your future. Mental simulation is a perfect way to find patterns. When you step through your future, you will be able to ask yourself how you got to where you are, and it puts your mind in its most resourceful state. It will enter into a problem-solving mode. You will probably be surprised at the things that you find out.

  Make sure that you pay attention to your surprises. Maybe it turns out that the grass isn’t greener. Maybe it turns out that it doesn’t feel how you thought it would, and you actually would rather do something else. This could be how you find your missing abili
ties and key skills.

  Focus on the Top Five Life Areas

  You can audit yourself each year.

  M any people blurt out New Year’s resolutions without even thinking about these life goals.

  “I will begin working out.”

  “I will bring more balance to my family and work.”

  “I will finally rule my finances.”

  Setting Goals Isn’t Hard

  Questioning why a life goal wasn’t achieved is the most difficult part.

  Setting your goals is easy to do. Talking about these with others can be fun. Listen and look at how many people you know share their intentions and goals. They never explain how they are going to achieve these goals.

  Change can’t happen overnight or very easy for that matter.

  If you want your life to improve, you need to audit what you are doing now and your daily habits.

  You can do this by looking at the five things in your life:


  Many people don’t like to look at the accounts.

  If you don’t, your money will control you. You will chase it, but you will never keep it. You will continuously be at odds with your money because you haven’t created any discipline toward what you save and spend.

  Finances can be compared to gas. It’s your runway. It is your fuel to get you where you are right now to where you want to be. Without it, you will become stagnant in every aspect of your life.

  While setting goals, ask yourself how you spend your money plays a role in getting to your goal. You can’t just blurt out that you are going to eat healthier but not think about how expensive healthy foods can be.

  Go through your card statements over the past year and see what you spent the most on. You might be surprised knowing where you need to make cutbacks. Once you’ve figured that out, move those funds to your new goal.

  Your Body

  How long have you made the comment that you are going to treat your body better?